Playoffs 2024 are the following dates:
High School -- Oct 19-20, Oct 26-27
5th/6th and 7th/8th -- Oct 26-27, Nov 2-3
COACHES: Report Scores (Playoff PIN is 7044)
MISA Playoffs
Miller Creek, Novato, San Anselmo, San Rafael, West Marin, Mill Valley, Petaluma
South: Mill Valley, Corte Madera, Tiburon
All Playoff games are single elimination (with the exception of South 5/6).
Teams are seeded at end of season based on points.
5/6 Boys Brackets will be combined and re-seeded into 2 bracket levels
5/6 Girls Brackets will be combined and re-seeded into 2 bracket levels
Mt. Tam = seeds 1-8, Golden Gate = seeds 10-18
Seeding is based on Points (Win/Loss/Tie). If points are tied, then it is determined by Goal Differential, then Goals Against, then Goals For (weighted in that sequence).
7/8 Boys will be seeded and play in one bracket
7/8 Girls will be seeded and play in one bracket
High School Boys will be seeded and play in one bracket
High School Girls will be seeded and play in one bracket
South 5/6 Teams will compete in a Round Robin "Jamboree."
Mill Valley, Novato, Petaluma, San Anselmo, San Rafael
Miller Creek, Novato, San Anselmo, San Rafael, West Marin
Corte Madera, Mill Valley, Tiburon
South 5/6 Grade Boys
South 5/6 Grade Girls
Playoff Rules
All Playoff games shall follow the regular MISA Playing Rules & Protocols.
In addition, please see the following playoff rules/notes:
Games other than semi-final or final:
Game lengths are the same as regular season but halftime is reduced to 5 minutes. High School = 40 minutes halves, 7th/8th Grade = 35 minute halves, 5th/6th Grade = 30 minute halves.
In the event of a tie, there will be NO overtime periods and will go straight into Penalty Kicks.
In the event of a tie, there will be a Penalty Kick Shoot Out, based on FIFA Laws of the Game, with the following modification:
Any player may kick, whether an active player or a substitute at the end of regulation play, except those players who have been disqualified.
No repeat kickers until all rostered players have kicked, EXCEPT
If there is an imbalance in roster sizes, the team with fewer players shall use all players before repeating a kicker, and the team with the larger roster will match the number of unique kickers to the team with the smaller roster, and then may choose to use all their players, or repeat kickers.
EX: Team A has 9 players, and Team B has 12 players. If PKs remain tied, Team A will use all 9 players before repeating, and Team B may repeat kickers after using their first 9 players.
Any player may be the goalie for PKs. Any eligible player may change places with the goalkeeper (you could change goalies after every shot). The goalie may take one of the PKs.
Semi-final and final championship games:
Game lengths same as above.
In event of a tie, there will be two 5-minute Golden Goal overtime periods -- the team scoring the first goal wins.
If the score is still tied at the end of the two overtime periods, then there will be a Penalty Kick Shoot Out -- see above rules for Penalty Kicks.
Due to field scheduling constraints, teams participating in the MISA playoffs or tournaments may be required to “warm-up” near the field, prior to their game. Teams are then required to promptly proceed to the field for on-time game starts.
Playing Time
A team that does not play all players at least (50%) of all games may be disqualified from the playoffs, including championships. Additionally, coaches may be suspended or banned from participating in future MISA seasons for any such action.
Stoppage Time
Stoppage time should not be added during playoffs unless there is a big injury time out. It is up to the referee’s discretion if a team is purposefully delaying the game by subbing and stoppage time be used.
Score Reporting
Please ensure that all scores are reported correctly. Teams who incorrectly report scores may be disqualified, including from championship games. Additionally, coaches may be suspended or banned from participating in future MISA seasons for any such action.
Playoff Blowout Policy
A "blowout" is winning by more than 6 goals.
For example, 7-1 is acceptable; 8-1 is not.
The MISA Blowout Policy remains in effect for all playoff and tournament games with the following clarifications:
When teams participate in single elimination games, a team that violated Blowout Policy shall be penalized in their next game. They will be required to play with one less player in their next game. For example: If playing 11v11, a team who violates the Blowout Policy will be required to participate in their first game following the “blowout” game using only (10) players, while their opponent will play that game with (11) players. If playing 9v9, a team who violates the Blowout Policy will be required to participate in their first game following the “blowout” game using only (8) players, while their opponent will play that game with (9).
When teams participate in tournament style games (tournament seeding games), a team that wins by more than 6 goal differential will be given (1) point for the victory rather than (3) points as traditionally given for a win.
When teams participate in championship games or consolation games (with no game to follow), teams are required to manage their scores to ensure that the “blowout” policy is maintained. Coaches may be suspended or banned from participating in future MISA seasons for violating the MISA Blowout Policy.
Teams (Coaches) that purposely score an “own goal,” impacting the outcome of a playoff or tournament game, may be suspended or banned from participating in future MISA seasons.